Honduras Tag

Fundación de Madrugadores en Honduras
HONDURAS, Carlos Alfaro • With the founding of the first Madrugadores community in Honduras on Saturday, August 26, 2023, all Central American countries have at least one Community. — On August 26, the founding community of Madrugadores in Honduras met for the first time in the Parish of Cristo Resucitado, in the city of Tegucigalpa. Accompanied by their pastor, Fr. Javier Martinez, eleven men came to live for the first time this experience that puts them in contact, in this stream of life, with all the communities in 19 countriesRead More
Con el arzobispo de Tegucigalpa, Mons. Nacher, español de Valencia, hasta hace pocos meses párroco en San Pedro Sula
COSTA RICA, Fr. José Luis Correa • During his recent visit to Honduras, a country that until recently was not on Schoenstatt’s world map, Fr. José Luis Correa visited the Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, José Vicente Nácher Tatay, CM, and the Archbishop of San Pedro Sula, Michael Lenihan, OFM. — The Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, José Vicente Nacher, a Spaniard from Valencia, who until a few months ago was the pastor in San Pedro Sula, welcomed us for half an hour, during which we spoke with him about Schoenstatt in the capitalRead More
Honduras, Fr. José Luis Correa, Maria Fischer • It has been a dream of many people and for many years: Schoenstatt in Honduras. The graces of the Shrine have touched Central America for a long time, with the commissioning of Pilgrim MTA’s by Father Esteban Uriburu, through immigrant Schoenstatters who brought their Covenant of Love and their home shrines, through the participation of people from several countries in activities in Costa Rica, through visits by Schoenstatters, and finally, with the purpose of reaching out made by the Schoenstatt Movement inRead More
HONDURAS, Fr. José Luis Correa/Maria Fischer • We knew that on her way through Central America the Pilgrim Mother of Schoenstatt would not “forget” Honduras. About fifty visits are made each month to schoenstatt.org.  Sometimes there is a letter to the Blessed Mother in the Original Shrine. There are some contacts between Schoenstatters in Costa Rica with Schoenstatters in Peru who live in Honduras. This tiny country between El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala has “an eye on Schoenstatt”.— Honduras is a deeply Marian country. Near Tegucigalpa, the capital of Honduras,Read More