God Tag

COSTA RICA, Rafael and Jessica Pérez de Araya/Michelle Ramírez • Mission Monterrey 2018: Every new activity generates fear, uncertainty, and internal questioning about not knowing what God wants of us and what his will is. However, this never diminished our desire to serve him.— We eagerly prepared spiritually for this important task from the moment we received the first call last February. Despite this, in the days prior to the start of the mission, things crossed our path that frustrated our ability to participate. However, we never lost the eagernessRead More
SPAIN, by Patricia Navas in Aleteia.org • Her marriage separation has transformed her into an expert on closing emotional wounds. In Spain, María Luisa Erhart has listened and accompanied separated married persons for more than ten years through a Catholic service that she leads, which bears the name of the place Jesus rested – Betania [Bethany]. In the following interview in Aleteia, she shares her healing process and confirms that “when God allows a separation, it is always for a greater good.” What common sufferings do separated people experience? NotRead More
CHRISTMAS WITH POPE FRANCIS • At the Mass Pope Francis presided at 21:30 Roman time in St. Peter’s Basilica, he explained the real meaning of Christmas: “If we want to celebrate Christmas authentically, we need to contemplate this sign: the frail simplicity of a tiny newborn child, the meekness with which he is placed in a manger, the tender affection with which he is wrapped in his swaddling clothes. That is where God is.” “The newborn Child challenges us. He calls us to leave behind fleeting illusions and to turnRead More
Fr. Pedro Kühlcke, Prison Ministry, Paraguay • Sometime ago, Pepito was finally able to tell me his life story:  “I was eleven years old when my parents separated.  My father is an alcoholic; he abused my mother until she could no longer take it.  I decided to go live with him, because I knew that he would not place limits on me.  I began with cigarettes and alcohol, and then the drugs came.  I even did drugs in front of him, but he never told me anything-he was usually tooRead More
schoenstatt.org Editorial Staff • Every year, the Vatican publishes the Holy Father’s intentions for each month of the year: they reference the current challenges confronting humanity. They have always been disseminated in different ways: in parish bulletins, Catholic radio stations, and diocesan websites, in summary by every conceivable avenue. Or as they say, business as usual. This is how it has been until this year. On Wednesday, 6 January, the Epiphany of the Lord, the project, “the Pope Video§, was launched, in which the Holy Father explained his intentions forRead More
Editorial Staff  Schoenstatt.org – Buenos Aires, Cape Town, Schoenstatt, Madrid, Cologne, Vienna – Christmas 2015 • ” Only God the Father and his merciful love are important to us. Ultimately he loves us not so much – as we taught at the beginning of our Family’s history – because we have been good, but simply because he is our Father, or because he is able to pour out his merciful love most richly when we joyfully affirm our limitations, our weaknesses and miseries, and become aware that they are theRead More
By Hildegard Beckmann, Germany, Team GOTTvertrauen [Team Trust in God]• Yesterday, for a gathering, I took on the task of preparing one day of a novena with the subject for that day being: Gratitude. The application arrived quickly on the following day. Monday I went swimming, I did this and that, and when I returned home, my important documents were missing. What a scare! I blocked them all. Before going to the Residents’ Registration Office and the Drivers’ License Office to renew everything, I returned to the swimming pool toRead More