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Requiem Ernest M. Kanzler
SCHOENSTATT, Maria Fischer • When a member of the International Presidium dies, the news goes around the world. The pendulum between unity and diversity (of apostolate preferences, opinions, vocation options) then tilts very strongly toward unity and one is there, walking and carrying along; even in the midst of the Christmas season and in the midst of the Corona Lockdown.  On the night before Christmas Eve, Ernest M. Kanzler, Superior General of the Institute of the Schoenstatt Brothers of Mary, passed away. On December 29th, 100 people in the Pilgrims’Read More
POPE FRANCIS, editorial team • At the end of the Stations of the Cross at the Roman Coliseum on Good Friday, Pope Francis said a heartfelt prayer in which he asked the Lord to help us to see his cross in all of the world’s crosses. — It is an invitation into reality, into the concrete, to connect the news found in the newspapers with what is also experienced around the cross of Christ, to put names and images into each line of this prayer, which emerges from faith andRead More
Happy Easter 2019 • Human history does not end before a sepulchral stone, because today it discovers the “living stone” (cf. 1 Pet 2:4): the Risen Jesus. We as Church are founded on Him and, even when we lose heart, when we are tempted to judge everything on the basis of our failures, He comes to make things new, to overturn our disappointments. Tonight each one is called to find in the Living One the one who removes the heaviest stones from the heart. First of all, let us askRead More • Nos unimos en oración y con aportes al capital de gracias, desde nuestros Santuarios, en estos momentos de dolor. Rezando por las victimas del ataque terrorista en Barcelona, por sus familias y amigos, y por todos los medicos, policías, periodistas y ayudantes. We unite in prayer and with contributions to the capital of grace, from our Shrines, in these moments of pain. Praying for the victims of the terror attack in Barcelona, for their families and friends, and for all physicians, police, journalists and helpers. Wir verbinden unsRead More