Fr. Eduardo Segura Tag


Posted On 12.02.2022In Missions

Come and see

SPAIN, Carlos Martínez •  Upon entering the Schoenstatt Shrine at 97 Serrano Street in Madrid, Spain, one can read “Come and See”. A phrase from the Gospel of St. John. Everyday hundreds of people go on pilgrimage to this shrine in a noisy city. We are invited to place our gaze on Jesus and to follow him, even without knowing what we are looking for. A few days ago, hundreds of young people dared to fix our gaze on Him and let ourselves be led. — A week after theRead More
SPAIN, Juan Zaforas and Maria Fischer “We could stay in these common places, our clichés, but they do not touch the essence of our priesthood.  When do they become real?  When do they enter the hearts of those called?  When do they really enter your heart?” asked Fr. José María García in the homily during Fr. Eduardo Segura Bueno’s first Mass, on 4 November 2018, in Madrid’s Schoenstatt Shrine.  He was encouraging him and all to be “free and brave, faithful witnesses to serve others.” — The day after Fr.Read More
SPAIN, Juan Zaforas • On 3 November 2018, a young man was ordained as a priest in Pozuelo Schoenstatt Shrine. I have known this young man since he was a boy because he was my son’s friend son who we always called Edu and is now Fr. Eduardo. —   Cardinal D. Carlos Osoro ordained him, and in his very personal homily, he made him see what is now expected of him, to be transparent in Jesus Christ for all men/women, and he insisted on the all without looking atRead More