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Original Shrine, Editorial Department • The fear of the corona virus spreading has far-reaching consequences – now also in the Original Shrine. Not only have several groups and individual pilgrims cancelled their pilgrimages, but now the Holy Mass and the evening blessing will also be cancelled for two weeks – also on Covenant Day and on the feast of St. Joseph. — We publish here the announcement of the Rector of the Original Shrine; translations are made and will follow especially for the pilgrims who have planned a visit –Read More
FRANCIS IN THE UNITED STATES • His first Mass in the United States. In Spanish. A very festive liturgy and the Holy Father won everyone over with his simplicity, humility, his clarity, and politeness in saying what he thinks. “The holy and faithful People of God are not afraid of losing their way; they are afraid of becoming self-enclosed, frozen into élites, clinging to their own security. They know that self-enclosure, in all the many forms it takes, is the cause of so much apathy.” Pope Francis called for aRead More