Posted On 2010-12-03 In Original Shrine

When one asks for snow via email…

Sandra Leticia Lezcano, durante 5 meses colaboradora excelente en la Oficina de PrensaSandra Lezcano. I have been helping in the Press Office for five and a half months, and since I arrived, I have witnessed the many petitions that arrive in this office via email. It is important to clarify that they are very special petitions that arrive in Schoenstatt…




El Santuario Original en la nieve

Among the ones I remember, I will tell you about a woman from South America who asked that a picture of the Blessed Mother be sent from Germany; she wanted it as soon as possible, free of charge because she was beginning to like the Movement, and she said that this would be the way to attach herself with Schoenstatt.


Frente del Santuario de MarienauAnother petition was asking for authorization to build a Shrine, the person was not a Schoenstatter, he or she simply liked the shape of the Shrine and thought that it would be good to have one in his or her city.

I also remember that more than once someone has written to ask directions to a Shrine in places where no Schoenstatt Shrines exist.

One man sent all his personal information declaring that he wanted to be a Schoenstatt Father, and he asked that he be contacted.

One man sent all his personal information declaring that he wanted to be a Schoenstatt Father, and he asked that he be contacted.

Boyfriends, taxis, lyrics, apparitions, and construction plans…

Kentenich blancoThey have written to Sister Kornelia asking for a boyfriend, taxis, lyrics, construction plans for a Shrine, directions, and phone numbers of remote places. They have even asked where to find an article that tells about the apparition of the Virgin of Schoenstatt.

These are the emails that arrive and give a touch of humor to the work in the Press Office. They even contact Schoenstatt to ask about the Mass schedules in South American parishes, or they ask for reservations for things within the next four years; they are petitions beyond the reach of the Office, but they are always answered very affectionately.

Asking for snow before December 1st

Since I am finishing up my stay in Schoenstatt, and since I am from a tropical country where it does not snow, I also had the idea of sending an email to the Press Office to the attention of Sister Kornelia saying that she has received a great many messages beyond her reach. Therefore I too wanted to leave a petition addressed to the Press Office asking for snow before December, just pray for snow; that was my petition.

My email was answered, and my petition was accepted on the condition that if and when it snowed, I would write an article about it. Of course I accepted the conditions, and if you are reading this article it is because it is snowing outside!

Many are blaming me for the cold here in Schoenstatt something that comes with the snow and that I am now seeing. I believe I have never felt so cold in all my life!

My white Schoenstatt

BundesheimBut it was worth it, now I understand why many were not enthused when it had already snowed in November, but I also feel that many were happy that I was able to have this wonderful experience in Schoenstatt. To see the Original Shrine with snow, the patio of House Marienau in a unique white mantle, and to walk through Mount Schoenstatt is truly incredible; it is something that will always remain engraved in my mind. I can tell you that I was also able to find God in the ice. The perfection of nature is so great that I cannot help but marvel at this, although for those who have it every year it is normal.

So this petition was also taken care of by the Blessed Mother, via email and with the Press Office as mediator. It is good that the Blessed Mother has her Press Office here in Schoenstatt.

Photo album

Translation: Celina Garza, San Antonio/Melissa Janknegt, Elgin, USA


1 Responses

  1. a mother says:

    What a wonderful article! We are so happy that Sr. made you agree to write it if Mother granted your petition!!

    How much Father God loves us in the little things ~ in all the little details! It helps us grow in childlikeness and shouldn’t it make us ask Him for more!
    Thank you!

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