Posted On 2009-09-18 In Original Shrine

In the Original Shrine, We Feel the Action of God in Our Life Is a Reality

Night of the Shrine 2009mkf. The inhabitants of Vallendar, Germany had placed candles in windows, gardens and patios when around 10:00 P.M., approximately 500 adolescents and youths from all parts of Germany, Italy, Poland, Brazil, Argentina, and other countries, began a candlelight procession from the city high school to the Original Shrine. They were singing and praying as they passed through Gilgenborn. This night-time pilgrimage and vigil on the grounds of the Original Shrine was for many of the youths the high-point of the “Night of the Shrine” which since World Youth Day 2005, has taken place on the last weekend of August on the occasion of the youth pilgrimage to Schoenstatt.

Vigil 2009“I often need something like this – commented a young female participant – because daily life is a true race and it is not easy to find time for oneself.” It causes a great commotion to arrive at the Original Shrine on a star-lit summer night. The Shrine is lit up by thousands of colors from the torches and there is lively music provided by the Group 1&1=11 from Wurzburg. Christ is adored all night with profound texts.

“Incredible: they are praying!””

As always, it is impressive to see throughout the night how they alternate so naturally between the festive climate accompanied by music and laughter, and the silence which is inviting to prayer. Shortly before 10:00 P.M., the youths begin the procession from the city high school.  Leading the procession is the Cross which is a replica of the Cross from World Youth Day.  Then come the runners with the torches who on this same night will leave for Rome.  They are followed by 500 youths carrying lighted candles.  “How can I get through?” a neighbor asks herself in her parked car – Gilgenborn Street is full of youths,” and she continues, “Incredible:  they are praying!”</p> <p><!-- --> <i class=This evening, the road to travel is special: we are going toward the Shrine, that place where the action of God is particularly visible. God and the Blessed Virgin are awaiting us there where Heaven touches earth. On this evening, there are many youths from throughout the world who accompany us…..

Throughout the world, hundreds of persons, in this instant, connect their PC and follow this pilgrimage live. Participating are youths and adults with youthful hearts. “I sing along. The songs are deep and alive,” writes a woman from Argentina who does not understand any German: “Thank you, Good God, for these youths. To see them and to follow along with them on this pilgrimage does much good to the souls.” After three hours, at the end of the transmittance, she sent along the following message: “This transmittance really touched me. Lately I have been very depressed; now I truly feel well again; I feel strength within me which I had not felt in a long time.”

Management and certainty

At the Pilgrims' PlaceDivided in stations, the way leads to the Original Shrine following the words of the motto for the Night of the Shrine: YOU MANIFEST YOURSELF – the words of the motto in the Marienau Garden – they are represented with mimicry and treated as prayer which describes the lives of the youths today who are searching for their way and vocation. IRRESISTIBLY – is the word found next to the Cross in the Pilgrims plaza; there is a large picture of Father Kentenich here along with an enormous pendulum which is the symbol of the search for certainty. Father Kentenich responds with the security of the pendulum.

“In the lower part, the pendulum is always insecure: with each blow of wind, it can be set in motion. Where does the pendulum have its security? Above. We are also held from above. Our only security is in the highest, in God.”

And even though the ground under our feet cannot always be felt, there is always one ultimate certainty…..irresistible

The place for which persons sacrificed their lives

In continuation, all turn toward the flashing Original Shrine….. “From here I will attract youthful hearts,” the words from the Founding Document of October 18th literally become reality. Youthful hearts allow themselves to be attracted by Her who for almost 100 years manifests Herself in this place; yes, this place “where Heaven and earth touch… the place where everything began; the place for which persons sacrificed their lives. The place which is sacred for us.” The fire is lit. Two youths come forward with a large picture of the MTA; songs are intoned; prayer ensues: there are moments of silence…..time for writing Covenant of Love letters to Blessed Mary. AdorationNext, the Monstrance with the Blessed Sacrament is placed before the Original Shrine…..a moment of tranquility, of silence, of adoration. In other words, the vigil is celebrated as it was celebrated at Mary’s Camp in Cologne, Germany… World Youth Day… Schoenstatt. Jesus, You are the one who challenges us to take steps. You are the one who gives us happiness. You are the motivator who enkindles our desire. You are the one who awakened us for life. You are the creative one, the liberator… me to feel loved by You, as the pupil of your eyes.

Adoration concludes with the renewal of the Covenant of Love for the youth of the entire world as it has been occurring since 2005, using the words which causes one to shudder as they are pronounced.

With our Father and Founder
we seal and we renew
our Covenant of Love with You
in this our place of origin
for the youth of the world.

The bell of the Shrine peals punctually at midnight, being heard throughout the entire holy place of Schoenstatt…..and 10,000 kilometers away in South Africa, in Argentina, in Brazil…..there are persons in front of their computers who are touched and pray along in unison: My Queen, My Mother….

Sent forth

Sent out to the first missions in GermanyAfter midnight, there is a special moment: thirty youths with orange vests enkindle their torches at the Engling Pyre. They are sent forth and begin the journey destined for Rome. Making a 1,500 kilometer run, they want to take the torch to Rome with the light from this little Schoenstatt Shrine. Shine your light!…..a testimony of the strength and vitality of faith…..even in our times. On the other hand are the youths with the Pilgrim MTA in their arms, lovingly adorned with the Rosary. They are the missionaries (coordinators). They are the ones being sent to the first missions on German soil which will be going out on Friday, August 28th, to the areas around Mainz.

In front of the Original ShrineAfterward, everyone is in line to make a brief visit in the Original Shrine… personally meditate… turn in their Covenant of Love letter and take with them a memento of this great event. There is a spirit of tranquility and peace. The band plays and then hymns are intoned spontaneously by the Polish youths signifying their presence. Here you do not have to understand any language, here the MTA speaks. Youths, priests, couples, Sisters…..all are in line, advancing slowly, they enter into this place where everything is revealed…..this place which is Schoenstatt, where She manifests herself…..irresistibly.

Video of the procession and vigil: search for August 22, 2009

Photo album

Website of the Night of the Shrine (German)

Translation: Carlos Cantú Schoenstatt Family Federation La Feria, Texas USA 091309

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