Posted On 2016-07-28 In Covenant solidarity, Francis - Message

We pray with Pope Francis for all the victims of terrorism in the world…


In his words, after leading the Angelus on Sunday, the Holy Father reiterated his condemnation of the “deplorable acts of terrorism and violence” that have taken place in the last few days.

Francis said he was “once again shaken by the sad news of the deplorable acts of terrorism and violence” in which “many innocent people lost their lives.”

He expressed his closeness to the families of the victims and the injured, and invited them to unite themselves in his prayer, because this must be the more insistent in the face of difficulties that appear to be insurmountable.

“At this time our hearts have once again been shaken by the sad news of deplorable acts of terrorism and violence that caused pain and death.  I think of the dramatic events in Munich in Germany and Kabul in Afghanistan, where many innocent people lost their lives.

I am close to the family of the victims and injured.  I invite you to unite yourselves to my prayer so that the Lord may inspire good intentions and fraternity among all.  The more insurmountable and obscure our difficulties in relation to security and peace appear to be, the more insistent our prayer should be.

Nice, Munich, Kabul, we can add Bagdad, Ansbach and Japan…without forgetting Syria and so many countries that live in terror daily.

Niza, Munich, Kabul; agregaremos Bagdad y Ansbach y Japón …. sin olvidar a Siria y tantos otros países donde viven en un terror cotidiano.


With Material from AICA

* DE: Ich bete für die Opfer der Terroranschläge auf der ganzen Welt. Macht endlich Schluss mit dem Terrorismus! Es ist ein Weg ohne Rückkehr! * EN: I pray for all victims of terrorism in the world. Please, no more terrorism! It is a dead-end street! * PT: Rezo por todas as vítimas do terrorismo no mundo. Por favor nunca mais terrorismo, é uma rua sem saída! * ES: Rezo por todas las víctimas del terrorismo en el mundo. ¡Por favor, nunca más terrorismo, es un callejón sin salida! * ITA: Prego per tutte le vittime del terrorismo nel mondo. Per favore, non più terrorismo! E? una strada senza uscita! * FR: Je prie pour toutes les victimes du terrorisme de par le monde. Il faut abandonner, j'en conjure les auteurs, cette voie sans issue! #prayer, #oración, #oração, #preghiera, #Gebet, #prière, #peace, #pace, #paz, #paix, #Frieden


  • DE: Ich bete für die Opfer der Terroranschläge auf der ganzen Welt. Macht endlich Schluss mit dem Terrorismus! Es ist ein Weg ohne Rückkehr! *
  • EN: I pray for all victims of terrorism in the world. Please, no more terrorism! It is a dead-end street! *
  • PT: Rezo por todas as vítimas do terrorismo no mundo. Por favor nunca mais terrorismo, é uma rua sem saída! *
  • ES: Rezo por todas las víctimas del terrorismo en el mundo. ¡Por favor, nunca más terrorismo, es un callejón sin salida! *
  • ITA: Prego per tutte le vittime del terrorismo nel mondo. Per favore, non più terrorismo! E’ una strada senza uscita! *
  • FR: Je prie pour toutes les victimes du terrorisme de par le monde. Il faut abandonner, j’en conjure les auteurs, cette voie sans issue!


Photos: Franciscus on Instagram

Original: Spanish. Translation: Sarah-Leah Pimentel, Cape Town, South Africa

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