Posted On 2018-01-07 In Projects

A trip through the capital

CHILE, via •

On Saturday, 2 December, the boys, girls and teens from the homes St. Joseph and Divine Providence of Ovalle  (IV Region of Coquimbo, Chile), run by María Ayuda (Mary Helps) experienced a day of entertainment and adventure in the capital.  The day began at 7:30 am when the group of young people, along with members of the residential and counseling team of María Ayuda in Ovalle, arrived to the Cenacle Shrine, in Santiago, Chile.

On this stop of the adventure they had breakfast, visited the picture of Fr. Kentenich and Fr. Hernán Alessandri’s tomb, the founder of María Ayuda, who died 10 years ago.

Learning by playing

Then they departed for the Mirador Interactive Museum (MIM), which is filled with pedagogical activities that teach many subjects from physics to mathematics. There the children and the teens could play with air bubbles, pulleys and many other activities. The museum personnel kindly provided free entrance for all the visiting children. In this place they had the opportunity to learn in an entertaining and recreational manner.

Lunch and visit to the animals

Lunch had to match this wonderful experience. On this stop we received the support of Chuckie Cheese, a children’s recreational park, that designed a very special package so that everyone could enjoy a delicious pizza and the entertaining electronic games of this great place.

The last stop was located at the center of Santiago. We visited the Metropolitan Zoo on the foothills of the San Cristóbal hill, one of the highest hills in the middle of the city, and the home of hundreds of animals. The personnel also provided free entrance to the children so they were able to see the large number of animals that are kept in this place. After this, and to end the trip, a group picture was taken for posterity in front of the Moneda, the Presidential palace, a stop that cannot be missed by any national or international tourist.

About María Ayuda

María Ayuda is a home of welcome, born in Chile and now present in different countries, which seeks to provide a positive experience of a welcoming family to the boys, girls and teens who attend, allowing them to give new meaning to the experiences of abandonment and abuse, and giving them the opportunity to grow as happy, worthy people, with the opportunity to develop their life in a wholesome manner.

Institutional website of María Ayuda:


Original: Spanish, 21 December 2017. Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA. Edition: Mary Cole, Manchester, UK


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