Posted On 2019-07-21 In Projects, Schoenstatt - Reaching out

I am consistent

PARAGUAY, Silvia Fretes •

The Paraguayan Schoenstatt Family has the following objective for this year: Living consistently, as apostles of the Father, taking care of life and the family. For this reason, the Members’ Circle of the Professional Women’s Branch of Asunción decided to offer a different gift: “We live our spirituality mainly in the work environment, where we light up life and carry out our apostolate.” We thought, then, that our offering should be very concrete where the Blessed Mother calls us every day, in our profession or office’s mission.

A heads up when I will not be able to fulfill a commitment


Spreading the word

Since May 1st, the Day of the Worker, these committed professional women are carrying out a viral campaign called Soy Coherente (#soycoherente), (I am consistent) which involves issuing daily publications (pamphlets) that are disseminated on social networks (Facebook-Instagram) and via WhatsApp. Each pamphlet has a sentence with positive and meaningful inspirational character, and with an emphasis on behaviors and actions to be reinforced in the workplace.

The aim of the campaign is to create awareness that the construction of the society we want depends on each one of us. “If I want my society to improve, I must be the protagonist of change. This does not depend on political parties, socio-economic levels, the creed it professes, or on any other variable. Underlying all this is the Founder and Father’s concept of living in an organic way of: thinking, feeling and acting in an aligned way.

The concept of this campaign includes reaching as many people as possible. And that is one of the reasons it was decided to be a non-denominational initiative: we need challenges that unite us, not divide us (much less for spiritual reasons). The idea is that anyone can share the images in their environment (without the need for them being Schoenstatt, Catholic, Christian). The decision the texts could be understood by any Spanish-speaking person (without Paraguayan idioms, if possible) was made so that from the heart of America this gift could be expanded.



As a supplier, I practice fair competition

How to collaborate with #soycoherente?

  • Suggesting and contributing texts for phrases (inputs for broadcasts)
  • Socializing and making viral brochures: sharing the daily publications found in Instagram and Facebook under soycoherente.
  • Let this support be visible and concrete: on walls, stories, states, and messages.

What does this campaign inspire on a daily basis?

We imagine the Founder and Father saying to each of us every morning: “Try to act by your example. That’s coherence. That is Schoenstatt.”



Respect: I don’t interrupt someone who’s talking.

Original: Spanish, 14 July 2019. Translated: Melissa Peña-Janknegt, USA.

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