“From Krakow to Panama: the Synod journeying with the young ” – Letter to Youth and Directors

VATICAN, Fr. Alexandre Awi, ISch, Brazilian Boys’ Youth Director, via jumasbrasil.com.br• Dear young people and Schoenstatt Youth leaders! “From Krakow to Panama: The Synod journeying with the young” This was the motto for the meeting that brought together 350 participants from 102 countries on 5-9 April in Rome. Each ecclesial movement (more than 40 were present) and each Bishops’ Conference sent two representatives, a young person and an adult. Lucia Reinsperger from the Austrian Schoenstatt Girls’ Youth and myself, Fr. Alexandre Awi, the director of the Boys Youth in Brazil (JUMAS), represented the Schoenstatt Movement. Lucas Galhardo from JUMAS also attended … Continue reading “From Krakow to Panama: the Synod journeying with the young ” – Letter to Youth and Directors