Posted On 2015-08-23 In Second Century of the Covenant

Three questions…about Schoenstatt of the second century of the Covenant of Love (35)

Today Carlos E. Barrio Lipperheide responds: He is a lawyer who graduated from Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires [National University of Buenos Aires] (1981], specializing in Business and Financial Law. He studied collective bargaining in Argentina and Harvard, mediation in the law school of UBA, and Ontological Coaching at the Institute of Comprehensive Studies. He is the program director of coaching for INICIA, a non-profit organization dedicated to providing training courses for new entrepreneurs. He wrote the book, Vivir la empresa en forma orgánica [To Live Business in an Organic Manner], which seeks to apply Joseph Kentenich’s cosmovision in businesses; he also wrote the books: El Rosario del trabajo y la vida [The Rosary of Work and of Life] (with the prologue by Fr. José María García) and “Trabajar orando” [Work Praying], moreover, he is the author of several articles on about the application of the Kentenich pedagogy in the business field. He is married and the father of two daughters, he belongs to the Schoenstatt Family Work, and he coordinates the Argentina section of Centro Iberoamericano de Empresarios y Ejecutivos de Schoenstatt [Schoenstatt Ibero-American Center of Businessmen and Executives] CIEES

Six months into the pilgrimage through the second century of the covenant of love…what is your dream for this Schoenstatt in who we are and where we find ourselves in the Church, in the world, and in our mission?

I dream of a Schoenstatt that contributes its own originality to the world of today and to the Church. To be more of ourselves in the Church and the world.

I dream of a Schoenstatt that renews itself and is not afraid to follow all the lines that our Father and Founder outlined with all the newness it contains.

I dream we will be lamps of brave light like our Founder, Father Joseph Kentenich, was assuming the risks that arise.

In order to fulfill this dream, what do we need to avoid or leave behind?

  • To be “mechanistic”. This is a constant risk; the world and we easily fall for it because of the way we see and live reality.
  • To live the way of life without life.

In order to fulfill this dream, what practical steps do we have to take?

  • To live the three graces of the Shrine deeply: 1) shelter (as a centripetal force), that is, as a grace that takes us to the Shrine, to the Father through Mary. It takes us to our heart Shrine, to our home Shrine and to our work Shrine. There we feel as if we were on Mount Tabor. We should live from our Shrine; we should feel sheltered, at home. 2) From there we should be soft wax in Mary’s and the Father’s hands to be transformed and 3) if we were truly transformed, we would go toward the world to transmit our charism (centrifugal force). We should live from the dynamic of these three graces: centripetal, the transformer and the centrifugal.
  • We should also work profoundly on our charism. We have our own originality to offer Pope Francis. In this sense, we have to read the papal documents in Kentenich code, and for example, to ask ourselves, what can we as Schoenstatt contribute to the Exhortation “Evangelii Gaudium” [“The Joy of the Gospel”] and “Laudato si” [“Praise Be to You”]? It is not only about assuming its values and principles, but also of re-expressing it from our own originality. We should not only study it and apply it like good Catholics. We should also make our own contributions and stress things from our cosmovision, because if not, we run the risk of living as mass-minded of being “mechanistic” Catholics and not organic ones. This leads us to ask: What is inherently our own? What is our mission? What is our original contribution? And that is where we should work to make our own contributions.

Foto Carlos

Original: Spanish. Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA – Edited: Melissa Peña-Janknegt, Elgin, TX USA

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