Posted On 2015-09-26 In Schoenstatters

Schoenstatters reaching out…

GERMANY, by Birgit Brömmel •

It was a cloudy day, but my friend and I did not want anyone or anything to change our minds about our plan. The trip to Kevelaer pilgrimage place had been planned for some time, and these few clouds were not going to spoil our project, and most of all, because my friend was coming from a place where the sun was shining. So we went, without umbrellas or a jacket…

This is how we began our pilgrimage. Meanwhile, the closer we got to Kevelaer, the more it rained. We had not reached our goal, and we said to ourselves: hope is the last to die.

When we arrived, “it was pouring.” What do we do now? We were completely drenched with wet hair, we looked like “wet rats.” The idea of sitting in the Chapel of Grace and then at a delicious meal might be feasible, but because of my limited mobility, the wet cobblestones covered with autumn leaves, became something truly dangerous. We thought for about a moment; meanwhile it did not stop raining. We had no other choice but to return.

Now what? Make the best of the situation!

On the way, we thought how we could make this a good day despite everything else. We could eat something delicious in my city, but confession would have to wait for a few weeks, what a pity.

I had ordered two books from my favorite bookstore in Kevelaer. (Someone has to take her). “Einer muss sie tragen” (Someone has to take it) was the title of the book, and I had planned to give away one of the copies. The book is about Fackellauf, the torch race. Of course I could have ordered the book directly from the publisher, but it was more apostolic to order it from the bookstore.

Now what?

We could not return because it continued to rain.

So we went home, and I called the bookstore at Kevelaer and asked them to save the books for me.

Perhaps our next visit to Kevelaer will be at the end of October, and it will not be a problem for them to keep the books for us. And if they are in the cabinet and I have to order them again, so much the better!

I am already infinitely happy about our next trip to Kevelaer – hopefully with better weather and with some good conversation in the bookstore!


Original: German: Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA – Edited: Melissa Peña-Janknegt, Elgin, TX USA

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