Posted On 2010-01-30 In Schoenstatters

Two new vocations

vocacionesPARAGUAY, Tuparenda Magazine. Manuel Edmundo Troncoso López (20 ) and Ricardo María Morales Ferreira (also 20) are two new vocations for the Schoenstatt Institute of Fathers in Paraguay. Soon they will begin their novitiate in Tuparenda, along with twenty other young men from all over Iberia America. What motivated them to make this decision? What are their desires, what is their restlessness? Both of them answer joyfully…


Manu y Ricardo, postulantes

How many years have you been in the Boys’ Youth?

Manu: I have been in the Boys’ Youth for a year and a half; I joined the University Circle 23 at the invitation of a faculty companion, and I sealed my Covenant of Love on November 9, 2009.

Ricardo: I joined the Boys’ Youth on March 25, 2005 and I have belonged to the Branch since then, the name of my group is Mary’s Legion of FIRE, ¡QUIS UT IMPERATRIX! I sealed my Covenant on December 23, 2008.

When did you feel called to a priestly vocation? When and why did you decide to enter the novitiate?

Manu: I thought about the possibility of following this road for the first time when I was in the fourth year of school (16 years old), but in reality it was more of a restlessness than something firm and concrete. I decided to enter the novitiate of the Schoenstatt Fathers at the beginning of July 2009, because I realized that what began as restlessness was becoming strong, and in spite of the excuses or “buts” that I gave God, He continued calling. I concretely decided because I feel that God gave me life, and he called me for a consecrated life. My happiness will be in giving my life completely to Him and my brothers and sisters. But I am convinced that it is neither my bravery nor my courage that are acting, rather it is the Blessed Mother who moves and sustains me.

Ricardo: For a long time, approximately since I joined the Boys’ Youth, I don’t remember very well, but in October 2005, I remember that I told a companion, who coincidently is Manu Troncoso, the other postulant, about the doubts I had. I decided on July 6, 2009; that Monday, I was alone in the Shrine, in silence and looking at the picture of the Blessed Mother. I found the answer that I had been looking for since 2005. Nothing, nor anyone kept me from saying no to the Blessed Mother. I had a good job, I loved the career I had, everything was going well thanks to God, but nothing fulfilled me. The only time that I truly felt fulfilled was when I was in the Shrine praying, singing, or simply being silent, and also outside of the Shrine, working to build the Kingdom of Mary. So that night, I looked at the picture of the Blessed Mother, and I told her with a smile: “I give up, I do not have any more excuses to say no to you, you win, I give myself to your love.” It was nice because I left the Shrine with a peace I cannot explain, I finally found the answer that i had sought so much.

Who influenced your decision?

Manu: In truth there was not a person or something concrete that influenced my vocation in a direct way, but indirectly I can say that God spoke to me about my vocation, by giving me an excellent family, very good friends, some small suffering, etc. Everything that happened in my life somehow made me discover the vocation that God gave me.

Ricardo: Everyone and no one, because in some way in each person, I discovered something that helped me to discern my vocation; and no one, because it was in moments of much solitude, where I discovered and deepen in discernment. I can name some: all the priests, my course brothers, Penacho who accompanied me spiritually, and Joaco Santiviago who helped me grow very much as a person through the talks we had, and I tried to see what God had planned for me.

How did your parents take your decision?

Manu: They accepted it since the beginning, and they supported me one hundred percent. But, it is true that it is hard because these decisions are not easy for the parents. But one thing is certain; I know that they ask God for my happiness in what I do, and that is a great support.

Ricardo: At the beginning, both of them took it badly, my old man, who is very quiet, accepted it, but he did not share with me. However when we went to lunch with Father Tommy and Manu López at his house, he loved the idea because it was only then that he learned the broad outline of what Schoenstatt is, and he liked the idea. With my mother her reaction was very nice, because both of us like to discuss, so the night I told her, we discussed it for three hours. At first she did not want to hear about my vocation, and when we finished talking she gave up and she accepted it.

What do you think about the youth of Paraguay? How do you see the youth in general?

Manu: I think that just as it is true that part of our youth is I would say “disoriented”, there are also youth who struggle for a better country, who defend the value of life in their family, who make efforts to conquer mediocrity, etc. And the most important thing, there are youth who recognize the importance of following Jesus through the Blessed Mother, as the only and authentic way to accomplish a new society.

Ricardo: Our youth is awakening little by little they are realizing that you do not have to wait for years to accomplish change or to accomplish great things. And I see the youth in general as seeking a horizon, a new horizon, far from this corruption that burdens us of that lack of God in our society that only offers vice.

What would you tell the youth of today, who want to follow the steps to the priesthood?

Manu: That if they feel that it is a mission to which God has called them they should not be afraid. They must realize that God will NEVER allow himself to be outdone in generosity. I would also tell them to consecrate their vocation totally to the Blessed Mother, that She works miracles. Moreover she gives strength and courage for every weakness.

Ricardo: Not to be afraid, that the greatest thing is to give oneself for Christ and for the Blessed Mother. It is true that it is a great leap to decide, but if it were necessary, I would do it again. I would give myself to the love of the Thrice Admirable to give oneself for the Blessed Mother is worthwhile. And above all, they should pray very much, they should make time and spend as much time as possible in the Shrine. It is there that one discovers and rediscovers his vocation, for them to have a spiritual director, and that they participate in the Eucharist.

Translation: Celina Garza, San Antonio, USA / Melissa Janknegt, Elgin, USA

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