Posted On 2016-05-07 In Covenant Life, Workshop on Kentenich Communication

Steps and emotions

PARAGUAY, by Estelita Franco – “ Mass of 1 May at Tupãrenda” (4) •

20160502162434aDuring the last weekend of April, I had the opportunity to participate in the Kentenich Communication Seminar led by Maria Fischer at Tupãrenda. In addition to everything that was beautiful and enriching at the seminar, on Sunday, we participated in the Holy Mass at 9:00 a.m. at Holy Mary of the Trinity Church. People who know Tupãrenda know that in order to reach the Shrine from the retreat house there is a long and picturesque little road that goes uphill and down with very steep steps.

Physical challenge, spiritual blessing

I am not in very good shape and had been dealing with muscular pains from the day before, so the walk was very intense for me.

As I climbed the last stretch, with my tongue practically hanging out and heart pounding, I saw Holy Mary of the Trinity Church radiant in the clear sunlight.

Then I saw all the people who had arrived and entered into the procession with flags, and I heard the sound of the bells, and I said to myself, “Thank you, Blessed Mother that I arrived.”


A father’s embrace of his daughter

During Holy Mass, I got emotional to the max, since it had been quite some time since I had visited this church dedicated to Holy Mary of the Trinity… Father Antonio’s homily about the joy of love touched me deeply…the music and then a father, who was a member of the choir, sang to his daughter on her birthday just before she is about to travel abroad with a scholarship. This father’s embrace of his daughter summarized everything that is love for me.

I returned to the gathering having forgotten all the weariness and the pain…


Original: Spanish. Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA – Edited; Melissa Peña-Janknegt, Elgin, TX USA

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