trust in God Tag

GERMANY, from Maria Fischer • “Everyday life has started again. Trust in GOD helps us to dare to move into the future strengthened by the pilgrimage graces”, Werner Philipps wrote in the Whatsapp-Chat of the Team of Trust in GOD. For days after the end of the pilgrimage on Saturday 6 August, the team was still busy exchanging photos and experiences. The end? Not really. “We could say that the World Youth Day begins today and continues at home tomorrow, because that is where Jesus wants to meet you. TheRead More
GERMANY, Project: Trust in God  (GOTTvertrauen), by Maria Fischer • Wonderful and profound experiences were had by the colourful group that set off from Cologne on Sunday 31 July under the banner and with the intention: Trust in God. Rain – “usually not too bad, but more at times” – tired feet, good conversations, many photos, completely new experiences, such as the open round of thanksgiving in the evening during which the participants opened their hearts and related personal experiences, small but intensive with hosts at the wayside stops. OnceRead More
GERMANY, By Maria Fischer • Cologne on “Sunday, the only 31 July 2016, the day that will never be repeated”, the good-humoured train driver of the Rhein-Sieg Express announced at 12.23 p.m. to help his passengers get over their frustration because of the delay. “If we trust in God we will still catch the connecting train in Siegen.” At that moment those taking part in the pilgrimage on foot with “Trust in God” had been walking for more than an hour through heavy showers of rain through Cologne towards BrühlRead More
Today Werner Maria Philipps answers – a widower, father of three children, solicitor and notary public, living in Gelsenkirchen-Buer, Germany, member of the 16th course of the Schoenstatt Family Federation in Germany. My parents were also members of the Family Federation. When I was reading law in Munster in 1968 I was the leader of the Student Movement in Schoenstatt and led many international student pilgrimages to Schoenstatt. In this hectic period of social change I experienced that Fr Joseph Kentenich had become my spiritual Father. In him I foundRead More

Posted On 27.10.2015In Schoenstatters


The birth of their first child 42 years ago changed the entire life of Mr & Mrs V, who are members of the Schoenstatt Family Movement in Germany, and it took a completely different route what they had hoped for. Their son Martin was born with a malformation of the spine and suffers a form of mental disability. His father has written about their everyday life as a family, which until today has repeatedly demanded decisions and tested their trust in God • Why us? There are events in ourRead More
GERMANY, Maria Fischer • “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground apart from your Father. And even the hairs of your head are all counted. So do not be afraid; you are of more value than many sparrows.” (Mt 10,29f.) If, in the middle of planning a project concerned with mediating God’s mercy to people, a Holy Year of Mercy is proclaimed, a whole new dimension enters into the preparations. … “The Church feels the urgent need to proclaimRead More
By Hildegard Beckmann, Confidence in God Team – Covenant of Love with God the Father  (German website) • For a week, I was at the Oberkirch Schoenstatt Center in the Black Forest. Upon arriving, the first thing I wanted to do was to visit the shrine, but it was empty, because it needed a new coat of paint. I thought, “Great for me.” That week (a little before Easter) was about a renewal and spiritual re-orientation, and that visit was a sign. The following day (Eve of the Feast of theRead More