St. Paul Tag

San Pablo testitgo
POPE FRANCISCO ON APOSTOLIC ZEAL • “Passion for the Gospel is not a question of understanding or study, which are also necessary, but do not generate it; it means rather to go through that same experience of “fall and resurrection” that Saul/Paul lived and that is at the origin of the transfiguration of his apostolic impulse. You can study all the theology you want, you can study the Bible and all that and become an atheist or a worldly person, it is not a question of studies; in history thereRead More
ITALY, Gian Francesco Romano • On 24 November 2008, encouraged by an Argentinean priest, students of the Law Faculty from the University of Roma Tre significantly—twelve students— founded “Giurcap.” Giurcap is a university chaplaincy that is extraordinary because those who participate offer not only valid religious and human accompaniment during a specific phase of life, but most of all because for a group of people, it provides an environment, a climate, capable of withstanding (even past the conclusion of their studies) and concretely demonstrates it is possible to grow asRead More
Editorial column • We have never seen anything like this before. Opening the Schoenstatt Twitter and social media accounts, we are confronted by a wave of disillusioned and hateful comments about our beloved movement. We understand. These are like the comments one finds about the Church in the press, social networks and interactions between believers and non-believers. The Catholic Church is once again suffering the fallout as a result of the storm of allegations of sexual abuse and the abuse of power and conscience. — Our beloved Schoenstatt has alsoRead More
Fr. Guillermo Carmona, National Director of the Schoenstatt Movement in Argentina • It was raining in Schoenstatt on September 20th when the hearse carrying the coffin of Father Kentenich was leaving the Original Shrine, and heading toward the church of the Blessed Trinity on Mount Schoenstatt.  Sisters of Mary bearing a white lily in their hands surrounded the vehicle.  Thus they acknowledged him, as a father, who without generating physical life had consecrated himself totally to others. I observed all of this from a bend in the road, taking careRead More