Posted On 2017-05-23 In Covenant solidarity

#prayforManchester •

Nos unimos en oración y con aportes al capital de gracias, desde nuestros Santuarios, en estos momentos de dolor. Rezando por las victimas del ataque terrorista en Manchester, por sus familias y amigos, y por todos los medicos, policías, periodistas y ayudantes.

We unite in prayer and with contributions to the capital of grace, from our Shrines, in these moments of pain. Praying for the victims of the terror attack in Manchester, for their families and friends, and for all physicians, police, journalists and helpers.

Wir verbinden uns in Gebet und Beiträgen zum Gnadenkapital von unseren Heiligtümern aus in diesen Stunden der Angst und des Schmerzes. Wir beten für die vielen Opfer des Terroranschlags in Manchester, für ihre Familien und Freunde, für die Ärzte, Polizisten, Journalisten und alle Helfer.

Ci uniamo nella preghiera e con contributi al capitale di grazie, dai nostri Santuari in questi momenti di dolore. Preghiamo per le vittime dell’attacco terroristico di Manchester, per le loro famiglie e amici, per tutti i medici, le forzi dell’ordine, i giornalisti e i volontari”.

Unimo-nos em oração e com contribuições ao Capital de Graças a partir dos nossos Santuários nestes momentos de dor. Rezando pelas vítimas do ataque terrorista em …. Pelas suas famílias e amigos e por todos os médicos, polícias, jornalistas e socorristas.

Pope Francis today sent his condolences to the grieving families of those who died in Monday’s terrorist attack in Manchester arena, which has left 22 dead and over 50 wounded.

Here below is the telegram sent by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, on the pope’s behalf.

His Holiness Pope Francis was deeply saddened to learn of the injury and tragic loss of life caused by the barbaric attack in Manchester, and he expresses his heartfelt solidarity with all those affected by this senseless act of violence. He commends the generous efforts of the emergency and security personnel, and offers the assurance of his prayers for the injured, and for all who have died. Mindful in a particular way of those children and young people who have lost their lives, and of their grieving families, Pope Francis invokes God’s blessings of peace, healing and strength upon the nation.

Cardinal Pietro Parolin
Secretary of State


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2 Responses

  1. Mary says:

    Thank you, from Manchester. We have done nothing but pray for all involved. Every sign of solidarity is greatly appreciated. We pray also for the Muslim community that is also suffering. There has been an equally senseless backlash that has hit the innocent. No one wins from such barbaric acts, all suffer.

  2. Sarah-Leah Pimentel says:

    United in prayer with the people of Manchester.

    Perhaps we can offer contributions to the Capital of Grace and make a spiritual pilgrimage to the shrine in Manchester, so that our Mother’s graces can bring peace of mind and comfort to a city that is in mourning and fear.

    We pray for all victims of senseless violence in all other parts of the world that have been forgotten by the media.

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