Posted On 2016-09-11 In Projects

By simply persevering and pressing on: Joseph Kentenich School in Kempten-Leubas received state recognition

GERMANY, Renate and Christian Immler •

It has been an extremely long, long road; full of difficulties and obstacles only those with perseverance against every prognosis, prediction, and discouragement can overcome simply by believing that their mission can continue. On 30 August, just in time for the beginning of the 2016/17 school year, the state recognition resolution for the Joseph Kentenich School finally arrived from the education ministry.

According to the resolution, the Joseph Kentenich School is now equal to state schools. This means that it must comply with the state’s curriculum, but at the same time as a private school, it has freedom as to the teaching methods and the distribution of materials, etc. The most important thing is that now the school can issue certificates with partial or annual grades with the official seal; these certificates are required to pass to the German secondary school system.

More than sixty students in four grades

Currently more than sixty students in four grades receive instruction; two of the teachers are staff members. Additionally, there are specialized teachers, and there are a large number of substitutes, who serve in case of illness.

The Joseph Kentenich School has reached an important milestone with state recognition, and it passed the test of fire.

The founders are grateful to all the people who have accompanied them on this long road with their intercessory prayers, donations, loans, guarantees, and collaborations.

A special expression of gratitude to principal, Mr. Harald M. Knes, and the entire teaching staff for their exceptional educational work and their enormous commitment. Thanks to them, this success was possible.

The school’s official website (only in German) www.josefkentenichschule.de

Original: German. Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA – Edited: Melissa Peña-Janknegt, Elgin, TX USA


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