Posted On 2018-01-10 In Campaign

The Pilgrim Mother present in the homes of Venezuela

VENEZUELA, María Fischer •

Everyone has the right to rest a little during the Christmas holidays, even the Pilgrim Mother, Concepción thought. She has been a missionary for a few months for the only Pilgrim Mother in a city of Venezuela. The Pilgrim Mother was sent from Argentina. “The Pilgrim Mother is in my home now, and she spends such little time with me that I felt that she wanted to welcome this New Year with my family, as a blessing for them”, she commented. The Pilgrim Mother, crowned with beautiful flowers, spent the New Year with Concepción.

A Covenant of Love in silence

“You wanted a testimony about the blessings that the Blessed Mother showers over us and I can tell you there is no better testimony than mine. Before receiving her in my home, I belonged to the group of lectors at my church, I did the readings only when it was my turn, and all my life I complained about stage fright. But, little by the little the Lord insisted that I fulfill this mission.

Then the Blessed Mother arrived, and her travels through the families is carried out easily enough, despite the circumstances we are experiencing. I made my Covenant on the 18 October, in the company of a few brothers/sisters from the church who pray the Rosary in my home. That day we had an illuminated Rosary that was very beautiful; with candles the colors of our flag”, she related.

After that, I was called to serve the Lord in another way, no longer as a lector; but rather in the sacristy, preparing the Lord’s altar for Mass. I do not doubt that the Blessed Mother had something to do with this. Her kindness and her love made it possible that I receive this new blessing. I do not feel worthy of this gift, but it makes me very happy. Is it a lot of work? Yes, but for me it is a gift. Blessed be the Blessed Mother and blessed be her Son, whom I love more than my own life.

The priest was not present at my covenant, because we only have him on Sundays, but as I told Eleonora – a friend from Uruguay who made contact with Schoenstatt – perhaps my covenant was Fr. Kentenich’s dream and plan: From the intimacy of my heart with the immaculate heart of the Blessed Mother, it is a sovenant that goes beyond what is apparent, because only the Most Holy Virgin’s heart and mine were intimately united on that day.”

Traveling the streets of Venezuela

Since her arrival the Pilgrim Mother goes from one house to another. “Many times I do not even see her between one and the other”, Concepción said.

The Blessed Mother remains with each family for the 9 days that a novena lasts. “Because of problems with transportation, money in cash, lack of gasoline and the high cost of taxis, it is better for all of us that the Blessed Mother spend these days with every family and in this way they unite more with her through the novena”, she explained.

Although there are many people who ask for her visit, and there are so many who have to wait, soon it will be necessary to send another one!

Original: Spanish, 5 January 2018. Translation: Celina M. Garza, San Antonio, TX USA


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