Missions Category

Vía Crucis Castelli
ARGENTINA, Guillermo Ferreyra • Last Good Friday I had the opportunity to travel to experience the representation of the Stations of the Cross organized by the Adsum Pater mission in the town of Castelli, belonging to the diocese of Chascomús. — What are Adsum Pater missions? This activity was born a few years ago in the Shrine of La Plata, and is aimed at young university students, who dedicate Holy Week to this activity in which they combine a time of retreat and reflection with a time to go outRead More
Misión Juvenil La Plata
ARGENTINA, Lilita and Carlos Ricciardi • From January 27 to February 4 of this year, the Archdiocesan Youth Mission of the Archdiocese of La Plata for young people aged 14 to 25 took place in the city of Villa Elisa (14.7 km from La Plata) under the motto “Let us proclaim greatness in its simplicity”. — We learned about it through the announcement made by Father Guillermo Khidir at the Sunday Mass in the Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish. At the end of the service, we asked him how weRead More
Misiones Familiares 2024
ARGENTINA, Fr. José María Iturrería • It is January 2024 and the Family Missions in Argentina have completed 25 years of existence. In 1999, a group of intrepid couples and young people from La Plata dared to travel to Paraguay to bring a missionary experience that today has expanded throughout the length and breadth of the country. — What began as a daring initiative and a trust-based challenge to the Blessed Mother has become an experience of family in faith that has transformed the lives of many people of allRead More
Misiones Familiares en Maipú
ARGENTINA, Gaby and Gastón Zurrita • On Wednesday and Thursday we shared with the Family Missions two days full of emotions in Maipú, a town that we have been missioning for 23 years. The reason for the visit: It was the 25th anniversary of the Family Missions in Argentina and we went there. — We do not want to share memories, but concrete experiences, encounters with people with material and spiritual needs and so many with illnesses. In each house that we visited, where the doors were opened, there theRead More
Experiências de serviço fraterno como a «Missão País» e muitas outras, que nascem no meio académico, deveriam ser consideradas indispensáveis para quem passa por uma universidade.
PORTUGAL, Ângela Roque and Paulo Rocha, Agencia Ecclesia • The 2024 edition of ‘Misión País’, promoted by Catholic university students, will take place in about 70 Portuguese locations, with more than 4,000 participants, open to “everyone”, as in the recent WYD, said Pedro Rodrigues, one of the national leaders. — “What we experienced this week doesn’t have to be just this week, just as what we experienced at WYD doesn’t have to be just that week. It is about taking what we have learned, what we have experienced and takingRead More
Misiones Miramar
ARGENTINA, Juliana Bellone, via Schoenstatt.org.ar • A new edition of the Ver Sacrum Mission, organized by the university youth of Mar del Plata and Miramar, was held from August 19-21. With the motto “Sacred Springtime, creating a heaven on earth”, this year the mission had the participation of about thirty-five boys and girls who visited the community of the Aeroparque neighborhood in the city of Miramar for four days. They visited house by house to share the Word, take the Pilgrim MTA, and invite to workshops and activities for adultsRead More
Misiones Miramar
ARGENTINA, via Aica.org • Bishop Mestre led the closing Mass of the Ver Sacrum mission in Miramar. The mission, which was carried out with the motto “Sacred Springtime, creating a heaven on earth”, was carried out by some 35 university youth of the Schoenstatt Youth from Mar del Plata. — The Diocesan Administrator of Mar del Plata and Archbishop-elect of La Plata, Gabriel Mestre, presided at the closing Mass of the Ver Sacrum Mission of the Schoenstatt Youth of Mar del Plata, in the parish of St. Andrew of Miramar.Read More
Misión Galilea
ARGENTINA, Fr. Juan Molina • For the third consecutive year, young university students of the Schoenstatt Men’s Youth from different parts of the country gathered to experience another edition of the volunteering and mission “Galilea” in Florencio Varela. For ten days they experienced the encounter with Jesus in prayer, community and especially in service to the most excluded. Thus, distributed in different groups, they visited the prisoners, the sick and the children, feeling in them and for them the mercy of God. During these days they experienced that the GalileeRead More
SPAIN, Cristina Ruiz Tirado • In some youths of the Schoenstatt Boys’ and Girls’ Youth of Madrid, the missionary desire grew to take Schoenstatt to Córdoba, where we had begun nine years ago with the Misión País; so we set out and decided to make Schoenstatt known among the youths of Córdoba who wanted to be closer to the Blessed Mother. — So that they could experience Schoenstatt firsthand The daily crowning of the Blessed Mother for this meeting since April 18th, and two months of expectation, preparation, and greatRead More
Misiones de profesionales
ARGENTINA, Juan Francisco Miguel – missionary of GM 20 • I do not know if it was an invention, if we imitated it from somewhere or if the desire was stronger. What I can say is that what is happening with the young missionaries over 25 years of age is strong and it is making its own mark in Schoenstatt as well as in the Church. — Many believe that at a certain age one can no longer go on mission. Thus, a kind of “retirement” arises that no oneRead More